About Me
Hi, I'm Anya Culling
I started running, like many, in lockdown when going out and pounding the pavements became a luxury. I am now a Lululemon sponsored elite runner and have represented England over the marathon distance. I was 2022 bronze medallist at the England Marathon Championships and awarded Athlete Of The Year ‘Most Improved UK Road Runner’ 2022. My progression saw my marathon time improve from 4hrs 34 mins in 2019 to a current PB of 2hrs 34 mins knocking off 2hrs.
I have always loved writing my training. I began drawing out my own training logs in my notepad, yes I am still a Strava addict, but there is a satisfaction that comes from putting pen to paper. The idea of the Bon Vivant Training Journal came from my first altitude training camp in France. The French term ‘Bon Vivant’ literally means “one who lives well” and refers to a person who enjoys the good things of life and what’s better than the freedom of running? I created this training journal to be your personal companion for embracing a lifestyle of health, happiness and vitality.
Training logs can benefit everyone from the elite athlete to the starting out runner. I wanted the journal to have holistic approach, not just tracking daily, monthly and annual training logs but include mindset, strength and conditioning, even tracking your period. Supporting the female athlete and positive mental health are both very important factors of running for me.
I am so so proud of what I have created, and so grateful for your support